Creativity makes life juicy

Life at times becomes so monotonous. Almost every day same routine, makes us carry our chores like a machine. During such activities, while our physical body gets involved in action, the mind keeps itself detached from it. When there is no sync between mind and body while being involved in any activity, such action gives us no satisfaction. Mundane chores make us physically tired and mentally deprived. Life becomes uninteresting and boring. Such life may result at times in depression. Home makers are more vulnerable to this syndrome, especially who are less appreciated for their roles by their loved ones.

One of the best ways to overcome complacency of a monotonous life is to involve in some creative work.
When we are involved in doing something creative, it’s imperative that mind has to get involved into activity one hundred percent. If mind is not involved, it is not being creative. It is as simple as that.

I feel involving in any creative work is meditative and refreshing. Of course, it is also true that meditation otherwise makes us more creative. People who feel that they aren’t creative enough should start doing meditation to improve their creative skills. For those who are blessed with inborn creativity, meditation enhances their creative skills.

Earlier times creative ideas were exchanged among only close circles. After advent of internet whole world has become one family. Exchange of ideas are happening across the world in rocket speed. One click in Pinterest for an idea is good enough for flood of ideas to follow. In YouTube there are nice creative Youtubers who are regularly sharing their wonderful creative ideas. They also share the links of various sites from where they get their supplies. So sitting in comfort of your home, you can buy required paraphernalia and get involved in many creative activities.
Instead of buying expensive things online we can also use alternative, inexpensive materials that are easily available with us. We can use all those things that we don’t need other wise. To be precise, we can create something useful out of waste.
It involves little more creative thinking and immense satisfaction is guaranteed. For example I made a Sunburst mirror with an idea borrowed from internet. But instead of using Kabab skrewers, I have used plastic juice straws which are more economical. I had to put little more effort in inserting paper rolls into hallow straws to increase the strength. But the end result was the same.

This is how I usually indulge creatively. I do take various inputs and tips from various sources and I come out with my own creative ideas.

Need is the mother of all inventions they say. My latest creation, ‘stand for ear hangings’ is an outcome of one such need. I have seen my daughter struggling to pick up a set of earings from a box. I wanted to make and gift her a stand where she can hang her stuff in an organised way.
I have used things that were available at home during that time and created the utility stand.
I’m sure she loves it using as much I loved it making.

I’m sharing here the picture of the things that I have used and also the stand with earings hanging on them.

Looking at pictures I’m sure you would have got a fair idea how I have made it. If you need more clarity, I’m just a comment away. Happy creative indulgence folks!

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